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No Support For IndexOf In IE 8?

I have a requirement where I create radio buttons dynamically based upon JSON response. So far what I did works in Chrome and firefox, but gives Object doesn't support this propert

Solution 1:

IE versions < 9 don't have indexOf, so you can add your own:

if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) {
    Array.prototype.indexOf = function (elt /*, from*/) {
        var len = this.length >>> 0;
        var from = Number(arguments[1]) || 0;
        from = (from < 0) ? Math.ceil(from) : Math.floor(from);
        if (from < 0) from += len;

        for (; from < len; from++) {
            if (from in this && this[from] === elt) return from;
        return -1;

var subItem = [];
//returns 25 

Solution 2:

According to

MS has said that it support indexof() to IE8 as well!

Solution 3:

What happens if you do this instead?:

if(temp.indexOf(",") >= 0)

I know I've had cases where it seemed to not understand what the object type was when reference from an array instead of a variable created from the contents of that array location. It doesn't make sense that this would be the case, but I've used it as a workaround before.

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