Remove The Bottom Border Of A Div Table
I'm trying to display some images in a div table, but I keep getting the border on the bottom of each image. It's about 2-5 pixels. I'd send an image, but I'm a new user. I want
Solution 1:
MadHenchbot is on the money with where the "border" is coming from. It's not a border it's unfilled space in your div. (Change to style="background-color: Red") to verify that.
Good news is, since it sounds like the images are the size you want them already I think there's a quick fix:
display: table;
/* get rid of width: 10px; */border-collapse:collapse;
border-style: none;
/* get rid of display: table-row; */height: 52px;
/*arrow containers*/.WorkflowCellArrowHolderA
/* get rid of display: table-cell; *//* get rid of width: 10px; */height: 52px; <--- Add this to set the divheight.
That did the trick for me. You may have to put width back in, but I'm guessing it's unnecessary. Also, unless you're building a layout I'm not sure why you need all the table/div stuff... It looks like it's just complicating things?
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