Get Html Source Code From A Website And Then Get An Element From The Html File
I want to get HTML code of a website and then get a certain element from that HTML file. There are things that can get HTML code like ajax and jquery. I am using node and want it t
Solution 1:
For Node.js there are two native fetching modules: http
and https
. If you're looking to scrape with a Node.js application, then you should probably use https
, get the page's html, parse it with an html parser, I'd recommend cheerio
. Here's an example:
// native Node.js module
const https = require('https')
// don't forget to `npm install cheerio` to get the parser!
const cheerio = require('cheerio')
// custom fetch for Node.js
const fetch = (method, url, payload=undefined) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
res => {
const dataBuffers = []
res.on('data', data => dataBuffers.push(data.toString('utf8')))
res.on('end', () => resolve(dataBuffers.join('')))
).on('error', reject)
const scrapeHtml = url => new Promise((resolve, reject) =>{
fetch('GET', url)
.then(html => {
const cheerioPage = cheerio.load(html)
// cheerioPage is now a loaded html parser with a similar interface to jQuery
// FOR EXAMPLE, to find a table with the id productData, you would do this:
const productTable = cheerioPage('table .productData')
// then you would need to reload the element into cheerio again to
// perform more jQuery like searches on it:
const cheerioProductTable = cheerio.load(productTable)
const productRows = cheerioProductTable('tr')
// now we have a reference to every row in the table, the object
// returned from a cheerio search is array-like, but native JS functions
// such as .map don't work on it, so we need to do a manually calibrated loop:
let i = 0
let cheerioProdRow, prodRowText
const productsTextData = []
while(i < productRows.length) {
cheerioProdRow = cheerio.load(productRows[i])
prodRowText = cheerioProdRow.text().trim()
scrapeHtml(/*URL TO SCRAPE HERE*/)
.then(data => {
// expect the data returned to be an array of text from each
// row in the table from the html we loaded. Now we can do whatever
// else you want with the scraped data.
console.log('data: ', data)
.catch(err => console.log('err: ', err)
Happy scraping!
Solution 2:
You will never be able to get the source code of a page that is not on the same domain as your page in javascript. Please take a look :
If the domain is the same you can get it by iFrames:
var url=".../xxxx"; // same domain !
var iframe=document.createElement("iframe");
var result= iframe.contentWindow.document.body.querySelector('.test').innerHTML);
var result access the iframe and select the element that have class named "test" and get its inner html in your case the result will be :
#Some Stuff
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