Insert Html In If Statement
How do I insert HTML code where it says 'do something'? When r
Solution 1:
Close and open the PHP blocks, like this:
} else{
You can also use PHP's alternative syntax for this:
if(get_field('member_only_content')): ?>
<html></html><?phpelse: ?><html></html><?phpendif;
Solution 2:
Like this!
<?phpif(get_field('member_only_content')) : ?><div>Html stuff</div><?phpelse : ?><div>More Html stuff</div><?phpendif;
Solution 3:
Put HTML in place of the string.
echo"<your>HTML here</your>";
You can also break out of the PHP tags
?><your>HTML here</your><?
Solution 4:
That would be because you placed the HTML code within php tags (<?php ?>
). Text inside this tag is interpreted as a PHP instruction, thus it won't render HTML. There are 2 general ways render the HTML in a PHP file:
Echo the HTML
<?phpif (get_field ('member_only_content')) {
echo"<span>Put HTML here</span>";
else {
echo"<span>Put HTML here</span>";
Place the HTML Outside PHP Tags
<?phpif (get_field ('member_only_content')): ?><span>Put HTML here</span><?phpelse: ?><span>Put HTML here</span><?phpendif;?>
Solution 5:
Or you can use the <<< statement:
echo <<<END
This uses the "here document" syntax to output
multiple lines with $variable interpolation. Note
that the here document terminator must appear on a
line with just a semicolon. no extra whitespace!
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