Simple Javascript Image Rotator
Solution 1:
Change it to this:
i = 0;
setTimeout("sunSlideShow()", 3000);
Solution 2:
Further to my other answer (which was wrong!)... Try this:
var quotes = [
var i = 0;
functionsunSlideShow() {
document.getElementById("mySlider").src = quotes[i];
if (i < (quotes.length-1))
i = 0;
Solution 3:
EDIT: This is wrong... please find my other answer on this page.
To start with, I wouldn't use ... you're better off starting the script with jquery once the page is loaded.
Add this to your head section:
$(function () {
That will fire the sunSlideShow function once the page is loaded.
Then, you're starting your slideshow with var i = 0... but when you've got to the fourth image, you're setting it to 1?
I would be tempted to use a while loop to achieve what you want.
Something like this:
$(function () {
var quotes = newArray ("slider2.gif", "slider3.gif" ,"slider4.gif", "slider1.gif");
var i = 0;
while (i<4)
document.getElementById("mySlider").src = ( "IMAGES/" + quotes[i] );
if (i<4)
i = 0;
var currentTime = newDate().getTime();
while (currentTime + miliseconds >= newDate().getTime()){}
This script hasn't been tested... but it should start the sunSlideShow function once the page has loaded and then change the image every 3 seconds.
Solution 4:
I too searched the web trying to find a general solution to the problem of rotating an image about its center. I came up with my own solution which works perfectly. The basic concept is simple: rotate the entire context by the desired angle (here called 'tilt'); calculate the image's coordinates in the NEW coordinate system; draw the image; lastly, rotate the context back to its original position. Here's the code:
var xp = rocketX * Math.cos(tilt) - rocketY * Math.sin(tilt);
var yp = rocketX * Math.sin(tilt) + rocketY * Math.cos(tilt);
var a = rocketX - xp;
var c = Math.sqrt(a*a + (rocketY-yp)*(rocketY-yp));
var beta = Math.acos(a/c);
var ap = c * Math.cos(tilt + beta);
var bp = c * Math.sin(tilt + beta);
var newX = rocketX + ap;
var newY = rocketY - bp;
context.drawImage(littleRocketImage, newX-9, newY-40);
In the penultimate line, the constants '9' and '40' are half the size of the image; this insures that the rotated image is placed such that its center coincides with the center of the original image.
One warning: I use this only for first quadrant rotations; you'll have to put in the standard tests for the other quadrants that change the signs of the components.
Solution 5:
Update: 2021
You can use the light-weight library Ad-rotator.js to setup simple Ad-rotation like this -
<scriptsrc=""></script><script>const instance = rotator(
document.getElementById('myelement'), // a DOM element
[ // array of ads
{ url: '', img: 'https://example/picture1.jpg' },
{ url: '', img: 'https://example/picture1/picture2.jpg'},
// ...
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