Count Like And Unlike Php
I written a simple script where users can post without sign up or log in, something like conffesion website, people can post and get like and unlike on their posts. I want to count
Solution 1:
You should write your query in comment-list.php like this
$sql = "SELECT tbl_comment.*,tbl_like_unlike.like_unlike FROM tbl_comment LEFT JOIN tbl_like_unlike ON tbl_comment.comment_id = tbl_like_unlike.comment_id AND member_id = " . $memberId . " ORDER BY tbl_like_unlike.like_unlike DESC, DESC";
This will automatically sort your data to have comment with most likes on top and then sort by the newest date. So if a comment has the same amount of likes of another comment, the newest will show up on top.
You can do it in javascript like this:
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if(i == 0) {
//put comment at top of page
} else {
// Put comment in normal place
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