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Scrolling Blocks Of Variable Width Images In Gallery

TASK DETAILS: There is gallery on page, all images previews are loaded on page. Images are shown by BLOCK OF IMAGES (1 block on page, fixed block width & height). All images

Solution 1:

Instead of counting width of images in block and forming arrays of images for each block, what was my first idea, suddenly I found much more simple and nice solution for such task:


All images page schema:

    -  ff  ll  mmmm  aa   -
<-  -  eeee  bbb  dd  ppp -  ->
    -  xx  sss  kk  qqqq  -

ff and so on - different images in gallery (float: left; for each img)

--- marked block of *#all_images* (overflow: hidden; possition: absolute; top: ***)

=== marked block of *#visible_frame* (position: absolute;)

When navigation buttons on page are pressed, we make +/- to top value of *#all_images* and as result in #visible_frame will show different set of images.

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