Selector Change Based On Previous Selectors With Dynamic Lists
I am trying to generate a selector that populates with various tasks based on a previous selector. I have seen the short way to do it with if/else if block code, however for each o
Solution 1:
A Google Web App is in general composed of:
Apps Script code in the
fileHTML code in the
fileJavaScript code within the
The interaction between those components:
In the
file adoGet()
function must be implemented to create an HTML outputA JS function can be called from the
code, e.g.<select id = 'reason' onchange="getSheet()">
An Apps Script function can be called from JS within the
part (alternatively within the<?...?>
, parameters can be passed to this function from thehtml
file- A return value of a called Apps Script function can be passed back to JS with the
For your case:
- The chosen dropdown option can accessed with JS (not with Apps Script!) part
var dropdown=document.getElementById('reason');
var sheet=dropdown.options[dropdown.selectedIndex].value;
- The chosen sheet name needs to be passed to an Apps Script function where SpreadsheetApp methods are accessible
- The options returned by the Apps Script function can be returned back to JS and implemented into the
Here is how you can do it:
functiondoGet() {
return HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile("index");
var ss= SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(url);
var ws = ss.getSheetByName(sheet);
varlist = ws.getRange(1,1).getDataRegion().getValues();
var options = {};
options[v[0]]= null;
return options;
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><basetarget="_top"></head><body><div><!--my selection i want to base the next selection options off of--><selectid = 'reason'onchange="getSheet()"><optionvalue=""disabledselected>Choose Reason</option><optionvalue = 'prec'>PREC</option><optionvalue = 'crh'>CRH</option><optionvalue = 'bh'>BH</option><optionvalue = 'ih'>IH</option><optionvalue = 'rh'>RH</option></select><Label>Call Reason</Label></div><script>functiongetSheet(){
var dropdown=document.getElementById('reason');
var sheet=dropdown.options[dropdown.selectedIndex].value;
functiononSuccess(options) {
//do something
Solution 2:
I'm not sure if this is what you mean - why not use "onchange"?
<div><selectid = 'reason1'onchange="MyFunction(0)"><optionvalue=""disabledselected>Choose Reason</option><optionvalue = 'prec'>PREC</option><optionvalue = 'crh'>CRH</option><optionvalue = 'bh'>BH</option><optionvalue = 'ih'>IH</option><optionvalue = 'rh'>RH</option></select><Label>Call Reason</Label></div><div><div><selectid = 'reason2'onchange="MyFunction(1)"><!--select[1]--><optionvalue=""disabledselected>Choose Reason</option><!--opt[0]--><optionvalue = 'prec2'>PREC</option><!--opt[1]--><optionvalue = 'crh2'>CRH</option><!--opt[2]--><optionvalue = 'bh2'>BH</option><!--opt[3]--><optionvalue = 'ih2'>IH</option><!--opt[4]--><optionvalue = 'rh2'>RH</option><!--opt[5]--></select><Label>Call Reason</Label></div><div><div><selectid = 'reason3'onchange="MyFunction(2)"><!--select[3]--><optionvalue=""disabledselected>Choose Reason</option><optionvalue = 'prec3'>PREC</option><optionvalue = 'crh3'>CRH</option><optionvalue = 'bh3'>BH</option></select><Label>Call Reason</Label></div><div><script>functionMyFunction(x) {
//x - position of select in the arrayvar selects = [document.getElementById('reason1'), document.getElementById('reason2'), document.getElementById('reason3')]; //store all your selects in an array to easily get themvar url = 'your url here';
var selectedOption = selects[x].selectedIndex; //index of selected optionvar selectedSelectId =; //id of select changedvar ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(url);
var wsName = selectedSelectId + '-' + selectedOption;
var ws = ss.getSheetByName(wsName); //now you should name each of your spreedsheed "id of the select - option index", for example "reason1-1" for "prec", "reason3-2" for "crh3" etc;//rest of your code here
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