Why Readonly Not Worked In Ie 8 And Ie 9?
HTML, readonly not worked in IE 8 and IE 9, if any other way to solve, here is my code, Copy
See also this: Example
Solution 2:
Have you tried readonly="readonly"
Solution 3:
The 'disabled' input elements are used to prevent its value from being submitted.
'readonly' input element doesn't work in IE 8,9, 10 or 11.
In this case, we can use onkeydown="javascript: return false;" for protected (disable) input element and receive its value in the form post data
Solution 4:
From w3schools:
<input readonly="readonly">
Note: The readonly attribute is a boolean attribute, and can be set in the following ways:
<input readonly>
<input readonly="readonly">
<input readonly="">
Solution 5:
Try this:
<input type="text" onfocus="this.blur()"readonly="" >
Also in CSS, put this to make the cursor not change while hovering over the input.
cursor: inherit;
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