Html Canvas Draw A Circle On Mouse Click And Drag It Untill The Required Radius Is Obtained
Im new to canvas and i was playing around with it. I wanted to draw a circle on mouse click and radius of circle should be decided by mouse drag (similar to drawing circle in Pain
Solution 1:
the general ideia is that you have to take 2 points, the one there circle center will be (this is where the user presses the mouse), and the current point, where the mouse is moving
the distance between the 2 points will be the radius, and is given by the Pythagorean theorem h^2 = c^2 + c^2
- onmousedown save that point as center
- omousemove calculate the distance to center and use as radius
- omouseup stop the operation/animation
here is some sample code, modify to your needs
<html><head></head><bodystyle="margin:0"><canvasid="canvas"width="500"height="500"style="border:1px solid"></canvas><script>var canvas=document.getElementById('canvas');
var context=canvas.getContext('2d');
var radius=50;
var nStartX = 0;
var nStartY = 0;
var bIsDrawing = false;
var putPoint = function(e){
nStartX = e.clientX;nStartY = e.clientY;
bIsDrawing = true;
radius = 0;
var drawPoint = function(e){
var nDeltaX = nStartX - e.clientX;
var nDeltaY = nStartY - e.clientY;
radius = Math.sqrt(nDeltaX * nDeltaX + nDeltaY * nDeltaY)
context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
context.arc(nStartX, nStartY, radius, 0, Math.PI*2);
var stopPoint = function(e){
bIsDrawing = false;
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